Psephos - Adam Carr's Election Archive

Australian federal election, 2025
Senate election, New South Wales

(See Vic / Qld / WA / SA / Tas / ACT / NT)

Senators up for election in 2025:

  • Senator Hon Tim Ayres Labor)
  • Senator Andrew Bragg (Liberal)
  • Senator Perin Davey (Nationals)
  • Senator Mehreen Faruqi (Greens)
  • Senator Holly Hughes (Liberal)
  • Senator Tony Sheldon (Labor)

  • Senators serving until 2028:

  • Senator Ross Cadell (Nationals)
  • Senator Maria Kovacic (Liberal)
  • Senator Hon Jenny McAllister (Labor)
  • Senator Deb O'Neill (Labor)
  • Senator Dave Sharma (Liberal)
  • Senator David Shoebridge (Greens)
  • Comment:

    At the 2022 election, the Coalition won 2.60 quotas, while Labor won 2.13 quotas. Labor has not won three seats at a half-Senate election in NSW since 2007. It therefore seems almost certain that the Coalition will again win three seats and Labor two seats. The Greens polled 0.81 quotas, which was enough get David Shoebridge elected, so it seems likely that the sixth seat will go to the Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi.

    The Coalition has dropped Senator Hollie Hughes to fourth position on their ticket, meaning her certain defeat. Senator Andrew Bragg (Liberal) will head the ticket, followed by Dr Jessica Collins (Liberal) and Senator Perin Davey (Nationals.) Collins is a research fellow at the Lowy Institute.

    Announced candidates:

    Liberal Party and The Nationals
    Andrew Bragg Dr Jessica Collins Perin Davey Holly Hughes

    Other announced candidates:
    Mehreen Faruqi
    Australian Greens
    Craig Kelly
    Glenn Kolomeitz
    Lambie Network
    Lyle Shelton
    Family First
    Warwick Stacey
    One Nation

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